|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Shri Swami Maharaj is recognized as the full incarnation of Lord Dattatreya and his previous incarnations were Shripad (Shrivallabh) Swami and Shri Narasimha Saraswati.
Sri Swami did not become famous in Mangalvedha. Since he believed that Gangapur was his main place, he decided to stay nearby, in Akkalkot, where he would achieve fame and recognition.
All devotees of Shri Swami believe him to be an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya and worship him as such. The following stories will reinforce this belief.
Gangapur is well known because of Shri Narasimha Saraswati's stay there. Datta upasakas offer seva there and have experienced that their heart's desires are fulfilled.
From the time when Shri Swami Maharaj appeared at Akkalkot, many devotees from Gangapur have received instructions in divine visions to visit Him at Akkalkot.
When asked, "Who are You?", Maharaj, if in a happy mood would reply, "Dattanagar mool purusha vadache zaad!"
He would also utter, " mool mool."
Once, the priest at Gangapur came to receive darshan of Shri Swami Maharaj. After the darshan, Samarth asked him, "Who is your God?".
The priest replied, "Maharaj, my God is known by the name Shri Narsimha Saraswati."
On hearing this, Swami Maharaj said, "My name is Narsimha Bhan."
In many instances Maharaj would say, " I was Ram, I was Krishna."
It is these utterances that lead us to believe without a doubt that Shri Swami Maharaj was an incarnation.
Rajshri Chintopant Tol met Maharaj in Solapur before Maharaj came to Akkalkot. He was an ardent devotee of Maharaj and believed Him to be an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. He had known five to seven years in advance of meeting Maharaj that he would get to meet Him. That story is as follows.
From 1843 to 1847, Rajshri Chintopant Appa Tol was the collector at Solapur. His clerk was on leave and was in Satara. When the clerk was on his way back to Solapur after his leave, he made a stop at Pandharpur.
There was a great Siddha by the name of Gopalbua in Pandharpur and the clerk sought His darshan. When Gopalbua asked him, "Who are you? Where have you come from?", he explained who he was and that he worked for the collector of Solapur. To this Gopalbua said, "I need to send a letter to your collector. Go get some ink, pen, and paper." The clerk promptly complied.
The letter instructed Chintopant Tol that in some time he would get to meet and spend time with Lord Dattatreya. Around seven to eight years after the letter was written, Shri Samarth met Chintopant Tol who was fully convinced that Shri Swami was an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya.
Many devotees who have their desires fulfilled after taking a vow of service or offering before Shri Narasimha Saraswati at Gangapur, come to Akkalkot to fulfill their vow with service or offering to Shri Samarth.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
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