Friday, April 28, 2023

118. Raosaheb Dhavle

 || Shri Swami Samarth ||

Raosaheb Dhavle had previously worked as a diwan but was not retired and settled in Akkalkot with the sole purpose of serving Shri Swami Samarth

His mother was staying in the holy city of Kashi and when she fell ill, Raosaheb received a telegram informing him of her failing health. Raosaheb requested Maharaj's permission to leave to visit his mother. 

Maharaj said to him, "Sit, where are you going!?"

As he was fully devoted to Maharaj, Raosaheb did not even think of second-guessing Shri Maharaj's orders and a few days later received a message informing him that his mother was recovering.

The second time around when he received another telegram informing him of his mother's failing health, Maharaj did not allow him to leave and he did not go. His mother recovered.

However, the third time around Maharaj said, "Now go!"

When Dhavle reached Kashi, his mother passed away. After the vidhis had been completed, Raosaheb returned to Akkalkot

Maharaj said to him, "Had you gone before the cow would have sat in the mud", which meant that had he gone to Kashi the first time he got the telegram he would have had to stay in Kashi for two to three years.

It seems that it was important that Raosaheb stay in Akkalkot for his own spiritual progress rather than go to Kashi, and Maharaj ensure that he did just that for the first two times and only when his mother's end was truly near did Shri allow him to go. 

After serving Shri Swami Samarth for many more days, he was then permitted to take Sannyas.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

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124. Sheshacharya Agnihotri

 || Shri Swami Samarth || There was once a pious Brahmin by the name of Sheshacharya Agnihotri who lived in Akkalkot , and relied on bhiks...