Saturday, April 29, 2023

120. The European Railway Officer

 || Shri Swami Samarth ||

A European railway officer had heard of Maharaj's glories and decided to go to Akkalkot for Shri's darshan. The man had no children and he hoped to receive Maharaj's blessings for a child.

After offering his obeisances to Maharaj, he stood before Him. On seeing him, Maharaj said, "You want a son, you will get a son, in one year." 

Maharaj had known what he desired without him saying a word and had also blessed him. The man was elated and went home happily. The became a father within a year and then he came to Akkalkot with his wife and son for Maharaj's darshan.

He told many of his people of the miracle that Shri Swami Samarth had performed and because of that many Europeans also visited Akkalkot for His darshan.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

119. Post Superintendent Babaji Sadoba

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Post Superintendent Babaji Saodba had come to Akkalkot for Swami's darshan had stayed for a few days and was getting ready to leave. He thought of getting Maharaj's permission before setting out. 

After offering obeisances, he stood before Maharaj and with folded palms prayed, "Permit me to leave."

Maharaj said, "Where are you going!? Sit!"

Babaji complied but after some time had passed again asked for Shri's permission to leave.

Maharaj replied, "Nadi kinare par rahi." At that time no one understood what these words meant.

The superintendent had exhausted his leaves and decided to leave Akkalkot even though Maharaj had not given him explicit permission. He offered his namaskar from afar and started on his journey seemingly avoiding Maharaj's sight.

When he reached Kadapgaon railway station he was informed that the heavy rains and the resultant flooding had washed away part of the bridge over the Krishna river and that it would be four days before the bridge was repaired. He would have to stay there for four days until the train arrived. It was then that he realized that Maharaj wanted to tell him that the train had been stranded on the other bank of the river.

Maharaj knows what is happening anywhere in all three worlds. Nothing is beyond his sight.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Friday, April 28, 2023

118. Raosaheb Dhavle

 || Shri Swami Samarth ||

Raosaheb Dhavle had previously worked as a diwan but was not retired and settled in Akkalkot with the sole purpose of serving Shri Swami Samarth

His mother was staying in the holy city of Kashi and when she fell ill, Raosaheb received a telegram informing him of her failing health. Raosaheb requested Maharaj's permission to leave to visit his mother. 

Maharaj said to him, "Sit, where are you going!?"

As he was fully devoted to Maharaj, Raosaheb did not even think of second-guessing Shri Maharaj's orders and a few days later received a message informing him that his mother was recovering.

The second time around when he received another telegram informing him of his mother's failing health, Maharaj did not allow him to leave and he did not go. His mother recovered.

However, the third time around Maharaj said, "Now go!"

When Dhavle reached Kashi, his mother passed away. After the vidhis had been completed, Raosaheb returned to Akkalkot

Maharaj said to him, "Had you gone before the cow would have sat in the mud", which meant that had he gone to Kashi the first time he got the telegram he would have had to stay in Kashi for two to three years.

It seems that it was important that Raosaheb stay in Akkalkot for his own spiritual progress rather than go to Kashi, and Maharaj ensure that he did just that for the first two times and only when his mother's end was truly near did Shri allow him to go. 

After serving Shri Swami Samarth for many more days, he was then permitted to take Sannyas.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

176. A woman's eye malady is removed

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

There was a woman who had pain and irritation in her eyes for many days. When she asked Maharaj for a cure, Shri Swami Maharaj replied, "Add a few drops of buffalo urine and you will be cured." The woman followed the instructions for three days and her malady was removed. She could see properly.

Another woman had a tumor on her neck that burst one day but the pus would not stop flowing from the wound. She asked Shri Samarth for a remedy and he replied, "Apply bull urine to it so that you will feel better." After three-four days of implementing this remedy, she was cured and the wound healed.

Such is Shri's leela. He gave different remedies to different people. Those that were there in His service daily would be witnesses to such miracles.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Thursday, April 27, 2023

177. Ramchandra Keroba

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Ramchandra Keroba was stricken with tuberculosis and fell ill. He tried many treatments but his health continued to deteriorate. The company where he worked went bankrupt and he found himself suddenly out of a job. One day he happened to hear the glory of Akkalkot and was told that the Swami Maharaj at Akkalkot could free him from his misery.

Ramchandra went to Akkalkot accompanied by his mother. Maharaj was seated on a cot under the banyan tree.  Mesmerized on seeing Maharaj, Ramchandra paid his obeisances, and offering fruits and sweets,  stood before Him with folded palms and a smile of joy on his countenance.

On seeing him, Maharaj ordered, "You! Come here!"

When Ramchandra took a step forward, Maharaj handed him a coconut as prasad and said, "Why are you sitting here smiling!? Go back home!"

The attendees explained that now that Ramchandra had received prasad, he could go home. He stayed for a few days and saw Maharaj perform miracles and answer prayers. He offered some small seva where he could and then returned home.

A few days after returning home, his health had improved without any medicines. He was also able to secure a good position. This was all due to the grace of Shri Swami Samarth. He continued serving Maharaj with love and devotion.

It is impossible for any ordinary human to recount how Maharaj has positively influenced the lives of countless devotees.  No mortal can truly describe His glory!

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

116. Nanabua Tandulvadkar

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Nanabua Tandulvadkar of Satara was a Pandharpur Varkari. He performed devotional service with great love and had many spiritual experiences. On hearing that Shri Datta Avatar Swami Samarth Maharaj was residing in Akkalkot for the upliftment of His devotees, Nanabua decided to seek His darshan

Shri Swami Samarth was at Cholappa's home when Nanabua arrived there. He offered his obeisances and then sat down in front of Maharaj. On seeing the effulgent ajanabahu form of Shri Maharaj, tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. When his heart with contented with the darshan, Nanabua went to Ganpatrao Joshi's place, which is where he was staying in Akkalkot. He thought to himself that he should perform a bhajan for Shri Swami Samarth but was unsure if He would sit for the bhajan, and this worried him. 

Maharaj knows what is in everyone's hearts and knowing Nanabua's desire to perform bhajan for Him, Shri went to Joshi's home. An ecstatic Nanabua arranged for the mrindanga, veena, and other instruments, and commenced his musical devotional offering. As the evening went on, all listeners experienced devotional love arising in their hearts, as tears of love flowed from Nanabua's eyes.

Suddenly, he collapsed to the ground but kept looking at Shri Swami Samarth. He lay there for a ghatika (approximately twenty-four minutes) as the attendees rushed to his aid. Soon, he was up and performing again as before. When the bhajan ended, Nanabua performed the aarti for Shri Swami Samarth, and after offering his obeisances, sat down. 

Joshi asked him why he fell to the ground and did not move for almost a ghatika. Nanabua explained that mid-way into the bhajan, Maharaj disappeared, and in His place stood, Shri Panduranga, with arms on his waist, crown on his head, and wearing pitambarNanabua explained that he had entered into a samadhi state on seeing this most beautiful form. He continued and confirmed that Shri Swami Samarth is undoubtedly a Datta Avatar and has appeared in human form solely for the purpose of uplifting all of mankind.

Nanabua stayed in Akkalkot for a few more days and served Maharaj with great love and devotion. Then with Shri Swami Samarth's permission, went back home.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

115. Urination on a Muslim grave

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

One afternoon Shri Maharaj got up from where he was seated, put on his slippers, and started walking. Around fifty of His devotees followed Him. 

There was a Muslim burial ground on the outskirts of the village and Maharaj went there. He ordered for a large stone to be brought and dropped into the well. Then, He proceeded to urinate on a grave just like a small child, and then defecated nearby.

Some Muslims who were present in the graveyard saw this and were greatly angered. They went and informed others in their community who quickly armed themselves with sticks and marched toward where Maharaj was.

On seeing from afar the angry mob, coming towards them, Shri's devotees warned  Him, "Maharaj, the Muslims are coming to beat You."

At that time, Maharaj had two large dogs with Him. One was named Bokad and the other was called Motya.

Maharaj knelt on the ground and while pressing the ground instructed a devotee, "Press down Bokad! Press down Bokad!"

The devotee complied and pressed the dog down on the ground. When this happened, the children of all those in the mob, began screaming in pain. Their frightened mothers came running to call back their husbands. No one understood what was happening.

Then, an older Muslim man said to his gathered folk, "This is the doing of Shri Swami Samarth! We must surrender to Him so that our children will have relief."

They agreed and leaving their sticks came to Maharaj asking for forgiveness. The most merciful Shri Dattatreya Swami asked the attendant to release the dog, and when this was done, they soon received a message that the children were completely normal and their stomach pain had disappeared completely. Everyone was mesmerized. 

The Muslims, understanding that Shri Swami Maharaj was a great Awliya, returned back to their homes.

Such is the strange leela of Shri Swami Samarth.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Saturday, April 22, 2023

157. Maoljiraje receives final darshan

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

One cannot fully understand Shri as He is boundless and limitless. To all those who have served Him and continue to serve Him, He bestows grace as per the ability of the devotee. Swami may perform miracles, bestow boons, provide instructions, or show a path. All that Samarth does is hidden from the world and is only known to Him and the devotee receiving His grace.

When Shrimant Malojiraje fell ill and was on his deathbed. His last wish was to have Shri Swami Samarth's darshan and asked all his attendants to request Maharaj to come to the palace. But, Maharaj did not come. When Malojiraje's end was near, Maharaj suddenly arrived at the palace and gave darshan
After seeing the most auspicious Maharaj before him, Malojiraje finally left his mortal coil. Such great fortune! 

Maharaj always graces his devotees without fail.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Friday, April 21, 2023

141. An attempt to take Maharaj to Baroda

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Once when Malharrao Gaikwad was seated in his court at Baroda, he said to his courtiers, "Whosoever is able to bring Shri Swami Samarth to Baroda, I will grant a Jahagir to him, and for this effort, I am willing to spend whatever it takes."
On hearing this one of his sardars, a man named Tatyasaheb, committed, "I will bring Him."

Malharrao was very pleased and immediately dispatched him to Akkalkot with great wealth and all the paraphernalia he would need if he indeed was able to bring Maharaj back to Baroda.

When Tatyasaheb arrived in Akkalkot, the first thing he did was to start making gifts to those who were closest to Shri Maharaj with the expectation that they would suggest to Maharaj about going to Baroda.

Maharaj would never commit to going and gave instructions like, "Feed a thousand people, then I will come. Give money to Brahmins. Clothe the poor!", to bide time. Tatyasaheb spent a lot of money and effort in this manner but got no results.

As Cholappa was very close to Maharaj, Tatyasaheb decided to bribe him. 

"If you can get Maharaj to Baroda by hook or by crook, I will recommend to Malharrao that you be granted a Jahagir worth ten thousand!" 

Cholappa had never in his life even dreamt of so much money and agreed to Tatayasaheb's proposal.

One day Cholappa stood with folded palms in front of Maharaj and said, "Maharaj, please let us go to Baroda. I will be rewarded a Jahagir worth ten thousand!"

Maharaj smiled and said, "Are, he has no devotion!", indicating that he would not be going to Baroda.

Then, in a last-ditch attempt, Tatyasaheb and his accomplices, including Cholappa, agreed to take Maharaj in a covered palanquin to Kadapgaon, and from there put Him on a train and take Him direct to Baroda. All the conspirators were given some bribe or the other: either a shawl, ten or twenty rupees, a dhoti, and so on.

One morning, as per the agreed plan, Cholappa said to Shri, "Maharaj, let us go get some fresh air!"

"No. We will go later!", replied Swami.

Then Sundarabai suggested, "Maharaj, let us go to the palace!"

"No. We will go later!", replied Samarth.

Three or four days of this effort continued but Maharaj would not go anywhere in a palanquin.

Finally, Maharaj agreed to travel in a palanquin. Everyone was overjoyed as they could almost taste the financial rewards if Maharaj went to Baroda.

Swami's carriers took the palanquin straight to Kadapgaon where there was a special training waiting to take Him to Baroda, but little did anyone know of Shri Swami Samarth's plans. Was it so easy to fool Maharaj who is an Avatar of Shri Dattatreya!? Was he an ordinary man that He could be tricked!?

When the palanquin reached Ambachi Wadi, it felt very light, as if there was no one inside. When they opened the door of the palanquin, Maharaj was not there! Some true devotees who knew nothing of Tatyasaheb's plan were almost grief-stricken on not seeing Maharaj. They cried their hearts out. Those who were involved in the plot ran in all directions looking for Him but Shri was nowhere to be found.

Two hours later, a constable arrived at that spot and said to the group, "Why are you looking for Maharaj here? He is two kos away from here sitting on a large boulder on the road to Jeur."

The constable continued. 

I asked him, "Maharaj, do you want to go to Akkalkot?"

He replied, "No!"

When I saw that He was not keen on going anywhere, I carried on and here I find you all looking for Him.

Everyone hurried to where Maharaj was and begged for His forgiveness. Some slapped themselves to repent. Maharaj then started roaring with laughter and this brought smiles to everyone's faces. Finally, they all returned to Akkalkot.

Tatyasaheb, after spending so much money, and so much effort, unsuccessfully returned to Baroda without Maharaj.

After some time had passed, Malharrao Gaikwad sent another of his sardars, a man named Yashwantrao, to Akkalkot. This fellow tried the same tricks as Tatayasaheb, but Maharaj did not tolerate it this time around.

When Yashwantrao stood before Shri and requested, "Maharaj, please come to Baroda", Maharaj thrice said, "Who does he think he is!? Arrest him!"

A couple of days later, Yashwantrao got a letter from Baroda ordering him to return. The Government had brought a criminal action against Malharrao and his coterie which included Yashwantraoi, and they ended up spending time in prison in Madras

Anyone who plays with fire is bound to get burnt. Thus, one must follow the instructions of those greater than us, or else we draw misfortune upon ourselves. Obeying their instructions is immensely beneficial to us and in our best interests.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

108. Maharaj accepts naivedya from a woman

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

There was once a poor Brahmin lady who had prepared naivedya for Shri Swami Samarth with great love and devotion and brought it to where He was in order to offer it to Him. Her only desire was for Maharaj to taste at least a morsel of what she had prepared. However, as she was poor, she was not ignored and was not allowed to approach Maharaj and found a seat far away from Him.

She silently prayed to Maharaj, "Please accept a few morsels of what I have prepared for You."

Maharaj roared, "Who dares hold up the Brahmin woman's offering!? I will kick those that are arrogant."

Then, pointing to her said, "Come here!"

The most compassionate Maharaj showed great respect to the offering that the woman had brought and ate some of her naivedya. He then said to her, "You will have a mischievous son!"

Her joy knew no bounds and she placed her head on Maharaj's feet and said, "I have met many divine personages over the years but after receiving your darshan, my heart is contented!"

The woman was forty-five years old when she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Whenever she would remember Maharaj, her eyes would well up with tears of joy.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Monday, April 17, 2023

107. Vamanbua bathes Shri Maharaj

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Early one morning, Vamanbua presented himself before Maharaj with a desire of offering him a bath. Shri Samarth was already seated and prepared for His bath. However, Cholappa and Sundarabai did not allow Vamanbua to bathe Him. 

Just then, Maharaj scolded addressing Vamanbua, "Why are you scared of the Jain and the widow? Bathe me!"

Maharaj had provided clear instructions and they were to be promptly obeyed. Vamanbua poured the Ganga over Shri Maharaj's head, then offered his obeisance, and then went home.

In the evening, when Vamanbua was performing kirtan, Maharaj chastised him, "Why this show of performing kirtan when you don't even offer naivedya!?"

The next day, Vamanbua offered naivedya to Shri Swami Samarth.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Sunday, April 16, 2023

106. Kanfatya

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

One night when everyone was asleep in Modi's home, Kanfatya, a devotee of Maharaj, woke up at midnight and slammed a stone into Balvantrao's head causing him great injury. He then proceeded to kick Sundarabai in her back when she was sleeping at Shri Swami's feet. Two nights before he had introduced the stone to Vishwanathbua's head.

It was no mean feat to capture Kanfatya, for he was incredibly strong it would easily take fifty men to subdue him. Through some clever thinking and teamwork, the police and other devotees, together, were able to capture him.

This same Kanfatya would walk backward facing Maharaj, wherever Maharaj went, and would happily carry His cot and personal belongings no matter how much they weighed or how long the distance.

Some days he was also seen eating Shri's excrement. This shows how devoted he was to Shri Swami Samarth.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Friday, April 14, 2023

104. Bapurao Solapurkar

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Bapurao was a devotee of Shri Swami Samarth, from Solapur. He would offer hospitality to any devotee who would come on pilgrimage to either Gangapur or Akkalkot.

Once, he, and two other gentlemen, were making their way to Akkalkot. One of them was unmarried but wealthy, and the other was poverty-stricken.

The first man said to the second man, "I have heard the Swami is an Avatari. I am over forty years old, and wealthy, but still haven't been able to get married."

The second man said to the first man, "I am literate but am unable to find gainful employment. If both our desires are fulfilled, we can believe that Swami is an Avatari."

Bapurao, who was overhearing them speak, said, "No point in the hollow talk. You should both take a vow!"

On hearing this, both said, "If our work is done, we will make the pilgrimage to Akkalkot!"

When they reached Akkalkot, they received darshan from Maharaj, and with folded hands, the trio stood before Him.

Shri Guruvarya, the all-knowing Swami Maharaj, with a smiling face said, "Randi Lev, tu ek thikani bais! Sanyashachi kay pariksha karto landachi!

On hearing these words, both panicked and slapped themselves, and stood holding their ears, thus admitting that they had committed an offense in doubting Shri Maharaj. They sought his refuge and prayed for forgiveness.

Shri handed the three of them prasad and blessed them. The trio stayed in Akkalkot for a few days and then returned to their respective villages. 

Within the next two months, the first one got married, and the second one secured decent employment. As vowed, they continued their pilgrimage to Akkalkot.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

243.Maharaj brings water to the Jangam well

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

One year, on the day of the Gurupratipada, all the wells in Akkalkot had dried up except for the Jangam well, which still had some water. Everyone from the village had thronged to the well. 

Due to the huge rush, it would take a long time to draw the water needed for the Brahmin BhojanaShri's attendants, tasked with this duty prayed to Him, "We are unable to find water anywhere Maharaj. What should we do?"

Samarth smiled and said, "Come! I will show you water."

He led them to the Jangam well, climbed on the ledge, and standing on its edge, urinated into the well. He then jumped back off the ledge and went back to the math.

Keshav Deshpande and other devotees checked the well and saw that there was a lot of water. Everyone was overjoyed as there was plenty of water for everyone. Soon the Brahmin Bhojana was also completed successfully.

The surprising part is that after the festivities were completed, the water level in the well went down to the previous level. Such is the leela of Shri Swami Samarth. 

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Thursday, April 13, 2023

246. Govind the madman

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

There was once a madman named Govind who live in Akkalkot. His behavior was unpredictable and people were weary of him.

One day, when Shri Samarth was taking a nap near the well on a cot, Govind tied His feet together, put the other end of the rope around his own neck, pulled Maharaj off the cot, and began dragging him across the ground. 

On seeing this, Sundarabai panicked and started screaming. Devotees soon gathered and untied Maharaj's feet, and then turned to beat Govind. Just then, Maharaj got up from the ground and said, "Don't beat him, let him go!", and walked away. The devotees obeyed and let Govind be.

Some days later Govind was drinking water from the well. He suddenly slipped and fell to his death inside the well.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

247. Cobras protect the valuables

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Once Shri Maharaj got up from where he was seated in the Shri Ramchandra Temple just outside of Akkalkot and went and sat in the shade of a nearby mango tree in a mango plantation. His attendants also followed.

The gathered crowd said to Him, "Maharaj there is no arrangement for food here, and it is so windy that one can't even properly light a lamp. Should we head back to Akkalkot?"

Then, Shri replied, "The girls will come."

No one understood what He meant 

Then, just before he fell asleep he said, "Four cobras have been appointed to resolve the everyones issue of theft."

It was late and after some time even His attendants slept.

That night, some thieves were attempting to steal from those that were asleep. As soon as one of the thieves placed his hand in someone's bag to pull out a valuable item, four large co ras came out of nowhere and stood before the thieves, scaring them white. One of them let out a loud scream that woke some of the devotees.

Somehow the thieves managed to escape. When the laps were lit, everyone was suprised to seek four large cobras slithering away into the trees.

On seeing this miracle, everyone present sang the praises of Shri Swami Samarth.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

244. Janakibai is cured of her eye ailment

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Janakibai was a Brahmin lady from Pune who was suffering from some unexplained eye ailment. Her condition got so bad that she was almost blind. 

None of the doctors, both traditional and modern, that examined her were able to identify what was wrong with her. She had lost all hope. 

She had heard many great things of the great Swami at Akkalkot, and with the hope of being cured of her condition, she went. After offering her obeisances to Shri Swami Samarth, she stood before Him with palms folded in Anjali mudra.  

Without her having said a word, Swami said to her, "Put elephant urine drops in your eye; then you will be able to see!"

She did as she was instructed and sure enough, she could see again. Then, after offering pooja and naivedya to Shri, and after taking His permission, she returned home.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

242. The Brahmins stuck under the bullock cart are saved

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Once, during the magha month, on the vadhya pratipada day (first day of the fortnight), a celebration honoring Shri Maharaj was underway.

Keshav Deshpande had filled a bullock cart with huge empty vessels and was going to the well to fill them with water to be used for the festivities.

After the card was loaded with the vessels, now filled with water, it started to make its way back to it's destination. Two Brahmins were seated on the cart. After the bullock cart had gone some distance, the bulls were somehow separated from the cart, and it overturned, and the two Brahmins were trapped under it beneath the huge and heavy vessels. Amazingly, they were unhurt ; not a scratch on them. 

Everyone understood that it was by Guru's grace that they survived. 

So be it.

Shri Swami Samarth will, undoubtedly, protect those that are engaged in his service.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Monday, April 10, 2023

232. Savkar Bhau Rasool

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Once Savkar Bhau Rasool, a businessman from Mumbai, was visiting Akkalkot to seek the darshan of Shri Maharaj. After offering his obeisance to Maharaj, he offered shodashopachara pooja and the next day, served meals to Brahmins

After having offered this seva, he stood before Shri and prayed, "Maharaj, if my business prospers, I will place two hundred rupees before You!"

Having taken this vow before Maharaj, he left for Mumbai. By the grace of Shri Swami Samarth, his business prospered and he made a lot of money and also had children. However, he forgot the vow he had made to Shri Maharaj.

One morning at the Mumbai home of Savkar Bhau, a three-year-old child came into his home and began crawling all around the house. Savkar Bhau was having his lunch at that time and was surprised at seeing the child and asked out loud, "Whose child is this?"

The child was none other than Shri Swami Samarth who, having discarded the form of a child, stood in his Yati roopa. 

He sat on a sofa and said to Bhau, "Are Madarchoda. Amche donshe rupaye detos ki nahi?", and then suddenly disappeared from sight.

Savkar was repentant. He immediately realized his mistake and along with his family immediately went to Akkalkot

Begging Maharaj's forgiveness he prayed, "Maharaj, In my arrogance, I had forgotten my vow and yet You took compassion on me and reminded me Yourself." He then placed two hundred rupees before Shri.

Samarth said, "I am disappointed in you. You did not even ask me to have lunch. How will an Atithi find a place to rest if this is how things are!"

Savkar replied, "Maharaj, From today I will, without fail, offer food and water to all Atithis!"

The next day, after having served meals to Brahmins, he stook Shri's permission and left for Mumbai. 

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Pradhyapika Mrs. Namrata Bhat describes this incident

Saturday, April 8, 2023

098. Pandu Sonar

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

During the time that Shri Swami Samarth was in Akkalkot, He never stayed in one place and always used to tour the neighboring villages. He had a twofold objective of always moving around: protection of His devotees and bringing atheists onto the spiritual path.

Around three kos away from Akkalkot is a village by the name of Maidargi. Pandu Sonar, a goldsmith, who was a devotee of Maharaj, lived there. He was heavily in debt and was always being harangued by his creditors. 

Once, a wealthy man had placed an order with Pandu to make some gold jewelry. In a moment of weakness, to pay off some of his debt, Pandu made the jewels from some other metals, added a gold coating, and delivered them to his customer. 

Some days later, his wrongdoing came to light, and a police complaint was lodged against him. Tatyasaheb Mamledar carried out the investigation and a criminal case was made against him and he was found guilty, which he was, and was sentenced to receive lashes. 

Seeing no way out for himself, Pandu Sonar prayed to Shri Swami Samarth and swore to never cheat anyone ever again. Just as Shri Krishna pushed away the delicacies that Devi Rukmini had prepared for Him, and ran to protect his sister Draupadi, so did Bhakta-Kama-Kalpataru Swami Samarth rush to save His devotee.

On the day of the punishment, Pandu Sonar called out to Maharaj for help from the bottom of his heart. Samarth was at Akkalkot. It was morning and almost Shri's bathtime. Just as his attendants were about to begin pouring water on Him, He said, "I do not want to bathe. Bring the palanquin!"

His instructions were followed promptly and Maharaj with his entourage in tow set out. They did not know to which village Maharaj wanted to go but knew that He would tell them in which direction to move, and when and where to stop. When they reached the Bori river, He took a bath and then asked his troupe to make haste to Maidargi. 

The company reached Maidargi at around three in the afternoon and instead of going to a dharamshala, Maharaj instructed them to go to the police station. Tatyasaheb Mamledar, a devout man, was overjoyed to see Maharaj and promptly offered his obeisances. Then, after offering his seat to Shri Swami Samarth, stood before him with folded palms. 

Pandu Sonar was standing in front of Shri Maharaj and He called him closer and asked him to sit beside Him. Mamledar was surprised on seeing Maharaj's affection towards a convicted criminal. When Mamledar came forward to honor Maharaj, He ordered Pandu Sonar to manage the honor protocol. This is what Pandu wanted and with great joy, he executed the protocol perfectly. Maharaj instructed Pandu to stay by his side for the next day.

Seeing Maharaj's love for Pandu Sonar, Mamledar freed him. Pandu Sonar then narrated his story to the other devotees and that is when they understood why Maharaj had left Akkalkot promptly without taking a bath. 

All present then glorified Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

095. The dumb brahmin is given the gift of speech

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

There was a dumb brahmin who had been serving Shri Samarth for a number of years with great devotion. He was hoping for Maharaj to bless him with the power of speech. 

Shri Prabhu was pleased with him and took the betel leaf from His own mouth and said, "Eat this and do your work!"

The brahmin obeyed and so sooner had he eaten the betel leaf than he gained the power of speech and started talking with ease.

What divine power was this!

Once a woman offered the til (sesame) ladoo to Maharaj and said, "Please accept this last ladoo that I will ever make with my own hands, and grant me a place at your feet when my end is near."

Maharaj promptly replied, "Bodki zalis, tar polya bhajnyas upayogi padshil!"

The woman's heart melted. Some days later, her husband passed away.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Sunday, April 2, 2023

092. Narsappa from Mysore

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Narsappa was a sixty-year-old man from Mysore who had come to Akkalkot and was offering service to Maharaj. He was desirous of receiving spiritual initiation from Shri. He knew only a smattering of Marathi and Hindustani and was unable to clearly communicate what he wanted from Shri Swami Samarth. However, he was devout and took darshan and went and sat near Maharaj every day.

One day a recitation of the Puranas was underway before Maharaj. Narsappa was seated next to the Purankibua. Toward the end of the recitation, Maharaj signaled to Narsappa to come and sit close to Him. An elated Narsappa went before Maharaj and placed his head on His feet and then after offering his obeisances, stood with folded palms awaiting further instruction. There was a cleark seated nearby and Maharaj took a notebook from him and handed it to Narsappa

When Narsappa looked at the notebook, on it was written in Kannada, Narsappa's native tongue, the clear instructions from Maharaj, "Recite the Bhagavad Gita, and you will benefit." His joy knew no bounds.

Vedashastra-sampanna Dattatreyabua was leaving after receiving Maharaj's darshan. Narsappa approached the scholar and narrated the incident to him and expressed his desire to learn the Bhagavad Gita from him. 

Dattatreyabua went back to the clerk and asked for the notebook that Maharaj had handed over to Narsappa. The clerk complied but the writing in Kannada was nowhere to be seen. Everything was written in Modi script. He understood that this was specific instruction meant only for Narsappa and immediately began to teach him the Gita. This continued for some months.

Once, Dattatreyabuai and a Sannyasi were discussing Vedanta, late into the night. Narsappa was asleep nearby. At around midnight, he woke up sweating and there were tears in his eyes. He sat upright and began saying to himself, " Swami Maharaj is Ishwara," and began shivering. 

Dattatreyabua went near him and asked, "Why do you say that Swami Maharaj is Ishwara?"

"Shri Swami Samarth took me to Vaikuntha", said Narsappa.

"There I received darshan of Shri Rama and Sita, seated on a jewel-encrusted golden throne, flanked by Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, and Maruti, after which Maharaj brought me back", he added.

He continued muttering to himself, "Hail Shri Maharaj! Hail Shri Maharaj! He took mercy on an insignificant being like me and showed me Vaikunta and Shri Rama! Such great effulgence! Such majesty!"

After some time he sat silently staring into the distance and then returned back to normal. From that day onwards, he was fixed in his devotion to Shri Swami Samarth

Once Narsappa suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right arm and the pain continued for seven days. That is when he brought it up with MaharajShri was smoking the hooka at the time and said, "I will cure your arm", and blew the smoke from the hooka onto his arm and it was miraculously healed. Such divine power!

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

Saturday, April 1, 2023

091. Umabai Raste

 || Shri Swami Samarth ||

Umabai Raste from Pune had a niece named Chimatai. After the girl had gotten married, she had lost her eyesight due to some illness and life became very difficult for her. A princely sum of twelve hundred rupees had been spent but all remedies in modern medicine and those from traditional systems did not bear fruit. 

Finally, after seeing that all treatments were ineffective, one of Umabai's well-wishers suggested seeking Shri Swami Samarth's darshan at Akkalkot. Perhaps he could help Chimatai.

Then Umabai took Chimatai to Akkalkot. Accompanying them were her secretary,  an attendant, and a Brahmin. Maharaj was at the sakhar well. The group went there, and, after offering their obeisances, sat down at His feet.

The secretary prayed to Maharaj, "The girl has lost her eyesight. We beg You to shower grace upon her and give her sight."

Maharaj then asked Chimati, "What do you want?"

Chimati, who was but a child, was very forthright in her speech from such a young age. She said to Maharaj, "I want my eyesight!" 

On hearing this the most compassionate Maharaj roared with laughter and said, "Put a few drops of meow meow milk in your eyes and also drink some of it for seven days so that you get your eyesight!"

When they returned to Pune, they administered the remedy and on the seventh day, the girl could see clearly. All the Doctors and vaidyas were surprised.

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||

124. Sheshacharya Agnihotri

 || Shri Swami Samarth || There was once a pious Brahmin by the name of Sheshacharya Agnihotri who lived in Akkalkot , and relied on bhiks...