Monday, February 27, 2023
058. Saraswati of the Sonar varna
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
053. The missing nose ring is found
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Once Cholappa's wife's sister was visiting them for a few days. At bedtime, she removed her nose ring and placed it on her bedside. Cholappa's nephew (brother's son) saw her place the nose ring and the next morning when he got up early to pick flowers, he stole the nose ring.
When she woke up she was terrified to find the nose ring missing. She looked around the room but it was nowhere to be found. Her husband was a poor Brahmin and had put in great efforts, and saved diligently for many years to buy her a nose ring. There was no way that he could afford another one for her. Losing the ring was a great financial loss.
For the residents of Akkalkot, Maharaj was their police, vaidya, astrologer et al.
The woman went to Maharaj and narrated all that had happened. Maharaj reassured her, "Don't cry. Sit here. The nose ring will be found." She sat near Him.
After an hour had passed but still there was no sign of the nose ring. She again prayed to Maharaj. Swami said to her, "Wait, you will get your nose ring. Why are you afraid?"
After some time, the thief was returning home after delivering flowers to the temple. On seeing him, Maharaj ordered, "She is crying, return her nose ring."
The boy would not admit to stealing the nose ring.
Maharaj then began a barrage of expletives and said, "Motherfucker, return the nose ring that you stole from her bedside this morning!"
On seeing Maharaj angered, the frightened boy promptly returned the nose ring.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
052. Cholappa's wife is stung by a scorpion
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
When Cholappa's wife was nine months pregnant and her due date was near. Her contractions started and she went into her room and lay down on the cot. On that day, Maharaj decided to be extremely stubborn and would listen to no one.
He did not allow anyone to close the door of the room. He spread out the earthen pots from Cholappa's home, all over the room. The reason why he was behaving this way was not clear to anyone but Maharaj.
Cholappa's wife thought that Shri Swami was mocking her. Soon she delivered the baby girl, and immediately after, Maharaj closed the door himself.
Once, Cholappa's wife was stung by a scorpion and felt excruciating pain. Unable to bear the pain, she started to cry. Maharaj was at Cholappa's home at that time, and hearing her cry flung his slippers at her and asked her to place her hand inside one of his slippers. She felt immediate relief. When she removed her hand from the slipper after some time, the pain reemerged. She placed her hand back in the slipper and felt comfortable.
That night she slept soundly, with her hand inside Swami's slipper.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Sunday, February 19, 2023
050. Balkrushnabua Talwalkar
Saturday, February 18, 2023
049. Gandevi falls from grace
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Maharaj did not tolerate anyone languishing about. Whenever he saw a stone with vermillion applied to it, He would urinate on it. Sometimes, He would even defecate on the stone. Through this act, He would teach that such smaller deities are not important.
In the Khasbaug at Akklakot, there was a 'Devi' known as Gandevi. The entire town was afraid of offending her. If women or children ever went near the Devi in the evening, they would be possessed. Then the sacrifices of chicken, offering of coconuts, and naivedya would begin, and only then would the Devi leave the possessed person.
Just as Maruti ridiculed the Devi that was worshipped in the city of Ahi and Mahi demons in the Ramayan, so did Maharaj bring down the Devi from her high position. Whenever he was in the Khasbaug, He urinated and defecated on the stone.
The stone is still there but no one offers it any worship and there are no incidents of possessions.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Friday, February 17, 2023
048. A Mahar woman begets a son
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Once, Shri Swami Samarth was in the Mahar settlement. A woman from the Lingayat Vani community came before Him, and after offering her obeisance, prayed for his blessings to beget a son.
There was a bone lying nearby. Maharaj picked it up, handed it to her, and said, "Here is your son." Not wanting to touch something impure as a bone, the woman took a step back.
Just then, a Mahar woman, who was also desirous of having a son, stood up, and with hands outspread, prayed to Swami, "Maharaj, give me a son."
Maharaj handed the same bone to her, and she gratefully accepted it.
Within a year, by Shri Swami's grace, the Mahar woman gave birth to a healthy son. Such is His leela of graciousness.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Thursday, February 16, 2023
047. Ramkrishnarao Sardesai
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Shri Swami Suta had established Shri Swami's Math at Mumbai. Ramrkisharao Sardesai, a railway clerk, offered regularly offered seva there. His family was originally from Sangameshwar. He had heard of Swami from Swami Suta and accompanied him to Akkalkot to receive Maharaj's darshan.
On seeing Maharaj in person, performing his leelas, his faith in Swami was firmly established.
After returning home to Mumbai, he made plans to return to Akkalkot with his wife in a few days. His wife, Annapurnabai, suffered from tuberculosis. Both husband and wife served Maharaj with great love and devotion for many days.
Then, one day, Sundarabai prayed to Maharaj on Annapuranabai's behalf, "Bless her with a child."
Maharaj replied, "She should serve the boar (Indian jujube) tree so that she is blessed with a fire-like son." On hearing these words, Annapuranabai placed her head on His feet.
Then, with Shri's blessings, Ramkrishnarao and Annapurnabai returned to Mumbai.
Annapuranabai then asked Ramkrishnarao's advice, "No one offers pradakshina to the boar tree. If we offer this seva, people will criticize us. How should we go about doing this?"
Ramkrisharao replied, "Maharaj's words are understood by no one. You should offer pradakshina to the peepal tree and that should be fine."
The devout woman offered pradakshina to the peepal tree near the Balmukundbua Math for one whole year but did not have any success with conceiving. When she discussed it with her husband, Ramkrishnarao reassured her, "Maharaj's words are never in vain."
One day when Ramkrishnarao was offering seva at Swami Suta's Math, he mentioned to Brahmanandabua the seva that his wife was offering to the peepal tree.
Bua said to Ramkrishnarao, "You did not understand the meaning of Samarth's words. He calls Shri Swami Suta a boar tree. When your wife offers seva at this Math, her desire will be fulfilled."
The couple immediately began offering regular seva at the Math and she conceived after a few days.
After five months, Ramkrishnarao arranged for her to be sent to her parent's home in Sonwada till the baby arrived. However, he was worried for his wife and the baby's health, due to his wife being very weak due to her tuberculosis, but then reassured himself knowing that Swami was watching over both of them.
That night, Ramkrishnarao had a dream. Swami appeared and said to him, "I am going for a bath at Sonwada."
Ramkrishnarao thought that this was a bad omen and was again worried for his wife and unborn child.
The next morning, Annapuranabai gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and four days later, Ramkrishnarao received a letter from his in-laws informing him of the good news.
The baby had a fiery complexion and would later have a firey temperament also.
What is surprising is that a woman whose constitution had been weakened by severe tuberculosis gave birth to a healthy child. Such is the leela of Shri Swami Samarth as it seems that He may have been in Sonwada to deliver the baby safely and to protect the mother.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
046. The story of Ramacharya
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Ramacharya and Gayabai were a pious and devout Brahmin couple that lived in Akkalkot. Ramacharya performed rituals and his family lived off of any alms that he would receive. They had four wonderful daughters but they longed for a son.
Maharaj would sometimes visit their home. Every time He came, Gayabai would pray to Him for a son. To this, Maharaj would reply, "I will give you a son."
Two years went by but they were still without a son. Maharaj continued to reassure Gayabai, "It will happen, it will happen!"
Six years went by and still no son.
Once when Maharaj was at their home, Gayabai, with tears in her eyes, prayed to Him, "It has been six years and still no son. Why are you giving me false hope? Please tell me if it is not in my destiny. With your blessings, will I have a son in this lifetime or in the next?"
Maharaj replied, "No dear, you will have a son in this lifetime."
Two years hence, at the age of forty-five, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Monday, February 13, 2023
045. Parshuram the servant
044. The story of Vithabai from Mungipaithan
Sunday, February 12, 2023
043. Balappa is instructed to perform the 'Samarth' Naam Japa
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
There was an old Brahmin who had been offering worship to an earthen Shiva Linga for many years. One day Maharaj said to him, "For how long will you worship clay!?", and then instructed him in sadhana to progress him on the spiritual path. Sometimes, Maharaj would instruct a follower to worship Ganapati or Samba Sadashiva, depending on where the person was on their spiritual journey. Maharaj would also sometimes instruct devotees, that it was better to worship the Sadguru rather than spend time on idol worship.
Once, Balappa was performing Ganapati japa at four in the morning. Maharaj was seated on the nearby cot and His attendant, Shivbua, was seated at His feet.
Shivbua asked Maharaj, "What is Balapaa up to nowadays?", having observed the latter engrossed in japa.
Maharaj replied, "To tarat vinat ahe!".
Balappa overheard Maharaj's words and understood that this was an instruction to him to perform the japa of Shri Swami Samarth instead of Ganapati naam japa. He immediately began the japa of Swami's name.
After some time, Shivbua again asked Maharaj, "What is Balappa up to now?", having observed that the latter was now engrossed in a different japa.
Maharaj replied, "To kambli vinat ahe!".
On overhearing this Balappa understood that Maharaj was pleased that he had understood and promptly followed His instructions.
The sole purpose of Shri Swami Samarth's avatar is for the upliftment of those that have deviated from or have not yet found a spiritual path. Swami bhakti, the devotional service to Shri Swami Maharaj, is the easiest way to liberation.
Maharaj used to say, "Sarva Sadhu pota khali ani chota khali ahet!"
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Saturday, February 11, 2023
042. The Kabir-panthi bua
Friday, February 10, 2023
041. The story of Bhujanga
Thursday, February 9, 2023
040. A response to Puranik's criticism
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Once, Maharaj was asleep on a mattress and on seeing this, Puranik, who was a relative of Sabnis, remarked, "Why does a Sannyasi need a mattress?" Maharaj did not reply to Puranik's taunt at that time.
A month later Maharaj went to Kadab village accompanied by Puranik. In the evening, Maharaj began climbing the hill that was near Kadab. As it was getting darker, Puranik requested Maharaj to return back to the village to which Maharaj replied, "Yes, Yes", and continued to climb up.
It was pitch dark and shivering cold when they reached the top. They had neither food nor blankets with them. Puranik was shivering, both with fear and because of the cold. Maharaj comfortably laid down on a large rock.
Puranik was fully clothed but it wasn't enough to keep the cold out. He repeatedly pleaded with Samarth, "Maharaj! It is very cold. What should we do?"
Finally, Maharaj replied, "How do you like the soft mattress!?"
Puranik remembered his taunt from a month ago and felt remorse for what he had said. With complete devotion and surrender, he prayed to Samarth for forgiveness. He had realized that Maharaj did not differentiate between a stone and a soft mattress.
They spent the night on the hill and when they came down the next morning, Puranik narrated how he had been taught a lesson. He was now a devotee of Shri Swami Samarth.
Over a period of time, the opulence that accompanied Maharaj grew with horses, palanquins, cows, and an ever-growing number of devotees always around Him. It did not matter if He was in a field, in a fruit orchard, or a crematorium.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
039. Tol's doubts are resolved
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
One evening Shri Maharaj went to Ganpatrao Joshi's home accompanied by Cholappa and Govindrao Tol. At night Cholappa laid out His bed and asked Govindrao to keep watch so that Maharaj did not go anywhere during the night. Cholappa then went home.
It seemed as if Maharaj had fallen into a deep sleep and had started snoring loudly. On seeing this, Govindrao thought to himself that even though Maharaj was a great Yogi, he still snored like a common man. Govindrao then thought of the sixty-ninth shloka from the second adhayay of the Shrimad Bhagavata Gita.
या निशा सर्वभूतानां तस्यां जागर्ति संयमी।
Meaning: That which is night to all beings, in that the self-controlled man keeps awake; where all beings are awake, that is the night for the Sage (MUNI) who sees.
Maharaj, in his deep sleep, said, "Kyon, Sonar, Nahi Nahi!", and then fell into deep sleep again. On hearing these words, Tol's doubts were removed. Maharaj used to refer to him as 'Sonar'.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
038. Barve Karbhari (Cholappa's son is made fun of)
Monday, February 6, 2023
037. Bhimrao is blessed
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Bhimrao was one of Swami's servants who had been serving Maharaj with great love and devotion for many days. He and his son would bring a basket full of fresh flowers to offer Shri Maharaj daily. However, Bhimrao was suffering. He had a very large tumor on his head. It was so large that people used to ridicule him by calling him a 'two-headed man'.
One day Bhimrao and his son brought a basket of fresh flowers to Maharaj. When the other servants saw him, they started laughing and calling him names again. On hearing them Maharaj also called him a 'two-headed man' and roared with laughter.
Bhimrao felt dejected and prayed to Maharaj, "I do not mind if people laugh. Let them laugh. However, You are most compassionate and it is Your duty as a compassionate being to free me of this deformity. If You do this, what reason will be there for them to laugh at me!?"
Deena-vatsala Maharaj felt great compassion for him but did not say anything at that time. That night, in a dream, Bhumrao saw Maharaj stroking His hand over the tumor. The next morning when he woke up, the tumor had burst and just the extra skin remained hanging on his head. Bhimrao's happiness knew no bounds. He rushed to Maharaj and everyone was astonished to see the sudden change. Bhimrao narrated his dream and everyone glorified Shri Maharaj.
A few days later Bhimrao began wondering what he should do with the extra skin left over. He asked Maharaj if he should get it cut. Maharaj instructed him to apply tirtha-angara to it, and Bhimrao obeyed. A few days after doing this regularly, the extra skin dried up and fell off on its own.
Eventually, Bhimrao went to stay in a village called Chitapur in Menglai where he continued his devotional service to Shri.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Sunday, February 5, 2023
036. Malojirao begets a son
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Malojiraje Bhosale, the ruler of the Princely State of Akkalkot, was desirous of having a son. Through the blessings of Shri Swami Samarth, the queen conceived.
After some months, these subjects began discussing amongst themselves, if the baby would be a boy or a girl.
When this question was put to Maharaj, he did not reply but ordered, "Bring a bangle." Those that had asked the question thought that He meant that a princess would be born, and that is what happened.
When the queen conceived again, and people put the same question to Maharaj he did not reply but got up and sat near the hearth. Those that had asked the question thought that He meant that a princess would be born, and that is what happened.
When the question was asked the third time that the queen conceived, Maharaj slapped his own thigh, stood up, and acted as if He was firing a gun. Those that had asked the question thought that He meant that a prince would be born, and that is what happened.
After his father Malojiraje, this prince, Shahajiraje became the ruler of Akkalkot.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Saturday, February 4, 2023
035. Maharaj goes to Ganpatrao Joshi's home
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Once Samarth was at Ganpat Joshi's home. Joshi had ordered one of his servants to cut the branch of a lemon tree that was in his front yard. The man climbed onto the tree and laid the first blow with his axe. Seeing the man beginning to chop the branch with an axe angered Maharaj and he said, " How dare you chop a brach of a tree that is under my care!? Break his hands and legs."
On hearing this Joshi immediately ordered the man to stop and ordered him down from the tree. Maharaj was livid and Joshi avoided His gaze and went and sat in a corner.
After some time Maharaj got up and went and sat in the toilet area. When Joshi and others went looking for Him, they saw Him seated in the toilet area.
Joshi noticed that a hornet had entered and stared boring Maharaj's ear. Blood had begun to ooze out.
Maharaj was in a happy and playfool mood now and Joshi worked up the courage to go and address Him. He said, "Maharaj! I do not care of you hit me but I will remove the hornet from Your ear".
He then orderd for a tweezer and carefully plucked the hornet form Shri's ear. On closely examining the ear he could see no sign of blood or any injury. Everyone present was surprised.
Shri Swami Samarth is Poorna Brahma and would often perform many Leelas with His devotees.
Whenever any devotee got into an argument, Maharaj would call him close and place an ant on the palm of his hand to remind them to be as humble as an ant to attract good things into your life.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Friday, February 3, 2023
034. Maharaj slaps Malojiraje
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Shrimant Malojiraje was a devotee of Shri Maharaj and every Guruvar (Thursday) would go to wherever Maharaj was to seek his darshan. He had been doing this for many weeks.
Once, he went for darshan in a royal fashion, seated on an elephant. On seeing Maharaj, he dismounted and went before Him to offer his obeisances.
When Malojiraje placed his head on Shri's feet, Maharaj responded with a hard slap across his face. The king lost his balance and his headdress fell off. He began shivering with fear and stood before Maharaj with palms folded. An attendant picked up the headdress and handed it to Malojiraje.
Maharaj angrily said to him, "You are a big man only in your home. Why act like a big man before Me!? Madarchod, I can create many kings."
"Please forgive me Maharaj", said the king remorsefully, and returned back to his place.
Henceforth, when the king went to seek darshan, he would park the palanquin, horse, or whatever mode of transport he was using, far away, and would walk to Maharaj for darshan. Such was the Ugra Tej of Shri Swami Samarth.
Muslims, Parsis, and even Europeans would seek His darshan. He would know what they desired and would fulfill their wishes. Maharaj had a special affection towards Muslims. He really liked dogs but anytime He saw a cat, he would call it a nimakharam and shoo it away. Maharaj had a great affection for cows. If he ever saw anyone chopping tree branches he would get very angry.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Thursday, February 2, 2023
033. The Athiest
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
032. The glory of Akkalkot
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
Akkalkot was a capital city but it was still unknown. Maharaj brought fame to Akkalkot. He stayed there for over twenty years and brought to it the prestige of Amravati, the capital of Indra. There was happiness in all four directions.
The advent of Shri Swami Samarth brought economic prosperity to Akkalkot. Trade grew a thousandfold. Horse-drawn carriages could be seen all around town. A minimum of five hundred visitors began arriving by train daily.
It could be that as a fruit of Malojiraje's good deeds in his past life, Maharaj came to Akkalkot to bless and purify his subjects and him and also anyone who visited.
Malojiraje was able to face many difficult circumstances because he had the grace of Shri Swami Samarth.
Maharaj was well known all over Bharat, from Kashi to Rameshwaram, and hundreds of thousands came for His darshan. He would bestow his blessings based on the spiritual caliber of the recipients.
Swami would perform some miracle or the other for every devotee. Unfortunately, not everything was documented, and future generations will never know many of the miracles he performed and the lives he positively impacted.
Maharaj wore a brass kada on His wrist. It was engraved with images of various Gods and Goddesses. Whenever any devotee came to Shri Maharaj, he would point to the image of the God or Goddess that the person was supposed to worship. Many people had that experience.
Maharaj also had with him measuring cups made of wood and ivory. He would pour grains from one cup into the other as a play.
Maharaj would never sit still in one place and would move around ten to fifteen places within Akkalkot in a day.
Four types of people would come to for Maharaj's darshan: Aart, Jignyasu, Artharthi, and Dnyani. Most people would be seeking a way out of some problem or would be desirous of some material gain. Few would be spiritual seekers and even fewer were people who had some spiritual realization. No one returned empty-handed. Maharaj fulfilled their desire no matter what it was.
For people Shri Swami Samarth was God. They did not want to leave His side and always wanted to be with Him. Such was Maharaj's glory.
Devotees used to offer aarti to Shri Maharaj in the morning or evening wherever He was, in the jungle or in the garden. It was such a beautiful sight to behold. Sometimes, if Maharaj was angered, He would not allow anyone to perform the aarti. His attendants and devotees always followed through with His desires.
During the aarti Maharaj would sometimes hold up one, two, three, or four fingers. This was to indicate how many stanzas of the aarti the devotees should sing. When Maharaj was in a good mood, he would allow the full aarti to be performed and would happily accept any form of seva that was offered, and would converse very sweetly with his devotees. If he was not in a good mood, not even a powerful king would dare come within hundred feet of Him. However, Maharaj was not truly angry with anyone. This was just part of His leela.
|| Shri Swami Samarth ||
124. Sheshacharya Agnihotri
|| Shri Swami Samarth || There was once a pious Brahmin by the name of Sheshacharya Agnihotri who lived in Akkalkot , and relied on bhiks...
|| Shri Swami Samarth || There was once a Brahmin from Telangana who had visited many sacred places and had now come to Akkalkot with the ...
|| Shri Swami Samarth || A Brahmin from Vai was staying in Gangapur , offering service for many days. On hearing the glories of Shri Swam...
|| Shri Swami Samarth || There was an old Brahmin who had been offering worship to an earthen Shiva Linga for many years. One day Maharaj ...